Friday, March 22, 2024

Speaking of Books

I enjoy reading a variety of books. I hope you find something interesting here.


Dangerous depths by Colleen Coble. Mystery and suspense, romance, struggle with the will of God, and a rich description of the scenery, culture and history of Hawaii.


The Wedding Chapel by Rachel Hauck. A beautiful story, knitting a family together over more than sixty years, through mistakes and wounds and sorrows, through healing, forgiveness, and answered prayer.


To the Ends of the Earth by T. Davis Bunn. A story in the 300s AD within the Roman Empire and the early church. Intrigue and danger, courage and love.


The only plane in the sky: an oral history of 9/11 by Garrett M. Graff. Minute by minute description of the day through conversations from the planes, communication throughout FAA, interviews with military, medical responders, police, fire fighters, survivors, family members, observers, government staff, calls from people on the planes and in the upper floors of the buildings, descriptions of escapes. This is a long book, and it was often emotionally difficult for me. But I’m glad I read it. It’s important to me to be knowledgeable about this part of our history.


Jewel of the Nile by Tessa Afshar. Again from the time of the early church. A beautiful story of grace, family, and realizing the value God puts on each of us.


And speaking of books…

My book, Millie's Christmas, has now been made into an audible book by the National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled. Anyone who is a member of this service can now order or download Millie’s Christmas. The number to order is DBC29172. I am so excited. It is a children’s book, but I believe adults of any age can enjoy it. 


  1. Great book you wrote there! MKM

  2. That is wonderful that your book is on audio congratulations I know you were looking forward to that love your friend Laura

    1. Thank you, Laura.:) From Kathy

  3. Congratulations, Kathy. That will be a blessing to so many. We are having the spring rains here, but I'd hardly call it spring. Late yesterday afternoon, we had a hail storm with huge balls of hail that covered the ground and made it look like it had snowed before it stopped. It was quite scary. Then last night we had a horrible storm. Scared our poor dog so she didn't know where to hide. I didn't blame her. Not looking forward to summer weather here in Houston, so I hope spring has a long life.

    1. Oh, Sharon, I pray for a long, nice spring for you. From Kathy

  4. These sound like wonderful books, Kathy! Thank you for reviewing them for us!! And congrats on your audible book - fantastic!! Blessings! (Erma)
