Friday, February 23, 2024

Birthday Cake From Kathy's Kitchen

Today is my birthday; I’m 63. It’s also the third birthday for my book Gifts of Grace.


I decided to bake my favorite cake today, that Mom baked for us when I was growing up. But I must confess, I’m going to double the recipe and bake it in a 9 by 13 inch pan. Yummy.


brown velvet cake


1- 1/2 cup flour

1 tsp baking soda

1/4 tsp salt

1 cup sugar

1 cup milk

1 egg

4 tbsp baking coco

2 tbsp melted butter or margarine

1 tsp vanilla




mix baking soda, flour, and salt


in second bowl dissolve sugar in milk


add egg, coco, butter,  vanilla,

and flour mixture.  Add 1 ingredient at  a time, the flour mixture one third at a time.  Beat after each



grease an 8 inch square cake pan


pour in mixture


bake for 35 min at 350 degrees. 

Friday, February 16, 2024

Guest Author, Jennifer Slattery


Thank you, Jennifer, for sharing your thoughts and your new book with us.


Have you ever felt invisible? Wondered if anyone would notice, should you stop doing whatever it is you're doing, day in and day out?

When our daughter was younger, I often wondered what would happen if I didn't make the bed–after all, it'd only get messed up again. Or what if I left the laundry and dishes untouched.

There were times, many, when the tedium of the day wore me down and left me feeling ... insignificant.

They say integrity is doing what you know is right when no one is watching.

Except, Someone is always watching, right? Psalm 139 tells us God is attentive to our every move. He knows every detail of our lives and every thought that flits through our brain. More than that, He takes great delight in us.

Psalm 37:23 says, "The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the Lord upholds them by the hand" (NLT, emphasis mine*).

Pause to consider that verse for a moment. The Lord delights in every detail of our lives--when we're doing something grand and exciting and when we're folding towels for the umpteenth time. Perhaps because He knows our character, that part of us He's continually molding, is grown in the big and the small.

I don't know about you, but I want to be a person of integrity.

I want to be known for my character and obedience. I want God to look down on me, when I'm elbow deep in dishwater, and smile, and I want to do it all–everything--for Him and His glory.

For obedience sake.

These emotions and thoughts were triggered as I read Luke 1:5-7. Elizabeth and Zechariah, an old and childless couple, were known for being righteous and carefully obeying God's commands and regulations. When we read this passage, it's easy to skip over that, probably because we know the end of the story. They were faithful, and God rewarded them with something they'd deeply longed for--a child. Not just a child, but the one birthed to proclaim the coming of Christ.

Wow. Pretty awesome, right?

But let's step back. Back to when, still childless and likely unnoticed, John's parents lived obediently. Scripture tells us Zechariah was a Jewish priest, and as such, his responsibilities were to maintain the workings in the temple, instruct the people, and on occasion, if the lot cast landed on him, to enter the Holy Place of the Tabernacle to burn incense on the altar of incense.

I'm not a statistician, but it seems likely he could go his entire life and never, not once, receive this honor. He was one of 20,000 priests! Though Scripture doesn't tell us, I think it's safe to assume there were times he felt unseen and wondered if what he did mattered. After all, should he simply cease performing his duties, there were 19,999 other men ready and able to take his place, many of which likely had children.