Friday, July 7, 2017

If The Shoe Fits

I have a new author to love.

Sandra D. Bricker

I just finished her book IF THE SHOE FITS.

Will and Julianne, best friends since they were ten, have just opened their own law firm. This is a romance book with many ups and downs. Will and Julianne pray about their new business, but throughout the story, they both have other things they learn they need to turn over to their God.

Humor, quirky characters, displays of faith, and flops from their faith. The book is filled with these and more.

Plus a really loveable dog.

And, in the way gifts from God show up as surprises, somewhere in this book, and honestly I can’t remember where, this author gave me a spark of encouragement. Excitement and new ideas for a story I’ve been working on in my own writing, but finding myself dragging with.

While writing this post, I looked for Sandra’s website and was slapped in the face when I read that she died last November at the age of 58.

In the information about the author in IF THE SHOE FITS, it mentioned that Sandra was a cancer survivor and worked to raise funds for ovarian cancer research.

I don’t know if she eventually lost the battle with cancer. Two things I do know. God is still using the gift he gave her. And I am going to read all of her books I can get my hands on.

Even with the sadness I feel from learning of Sandra’s passing, I decided to leave the first part of this post unchanged. The hope and fun this book brought me is still the same.

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